Friday, June 26, 2009
The Roll -- Written by Bel

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Our Little Screamer -- Written by Bel

Yesterday we went to Grandma & Grandda's house for a visit & Kayleigh showed them all her new sounds! She also had a blast in the bouncer that Grandma got for her from her friend Rosa. She had such a good time that she pooped herself out & took a little nap in the moses basket that Grandma has.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Morning Cuddles -- Written by Bel

This morning she was very chatty with me & tried to eat the sheets for a while!
Kayleigh’s 4 Month Doctor Appointment Updates -- Written By Laura
I had done a little research trying to find out if there was anything we could do to reduce the pain of the shots, and we came up with two very simple steps: first, we gave her Tylenol before we went to the appointment instead of waiting until afterwards. Second, I took a pacifier and dipped it in sugar water, then gave it to her a few minutes before the shots were given. I don’t know that it helped, but whatever. I read in a magazine that this silly trick had tested incredibly well in very young children, and seemed to distract them enough with the pleasant taste that the impact of the shot is not felt as drastically as it would have been without it.
Well, who knows what worked and what didn’t, but all I can say is my little girl was fine! You might actually think they put a little “happy” in those shots, because she basically stopped crying before we even got her to the car, and was smiley and talkative all afternoon! We had smiles, squeals, giggles, and all! So it looks like Kayleigh has gotten better with coping with her shots.
Here’s the skinny on Kayleigh’s growth to date! She is 14 lbs, 5 oz right now! She’s in the 75th percentile with weight. What is probably more shocking is that she is 25 ¼ inches tall, putting her in the 90th percentile! So she’s pretty tall and a good weight. That’ll be my luck, she’ll be taller than me by the time she’s 5 or 6! I guess we’ll see what happens.
So, our little girl was a perfect angel and did very well! I’m very happy that things turned out the way they did. Yay Kayleigh!
(I didn't know this video was being taken - I was on the phone with my mom giving her the updates as you'll be able to tell from the background conversation)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Our Little Weeble -- Written by Bel

Since she loved Kira's exersaucer so much, we ordered Kayleigh one of her own. She wasn't too sure what to do with it at first, but then she LOVED it! On Saturday we put it in front of the mirrored doors of the buffet in the dining room, and she had even more fun chatting with herself! Turns out all we really needed were the mirrors :) LOL

But what we love most of all are the giggles. We've been trying to get them on video for a while now, but as soon as we pull out the camera she starts paying more attention to that than anything else and stops giggling. Today, Laura was able to sneak up on us at the tail end of one of Kayleigh's giggle sessions. Mostly, all you'll hear is a short squeal, but there are a few laughs in there. Maybe one day we'll be able to get the full thing, but until then...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Kayleigh & Kira, BFF -- Written by Kayleigh

When she did wake up, we played for a little bit & Kira gave me kisses. It was nice because she's my BFF!! Then Liz & Camp Lauren stopped by for a while too - it was nice to seem but I was so tired already that I ended up taking a nap for most of their visit. I hope I get to see them again sometime soon!!

Monday, June 1, 2009
The Sounds Of Kayleigh -- Written by Bel
Kayleigh also really likes all kinds of music. She loves all the CD's that her friends & family have given her (thank you everyone!), she perks up at church whenever there is music being played, and she especially loves whenever we play music for her at home.
This one song was written out of sleep deprivation - I'm sure we've all been there. Pacing the house at 4am trying to soothe a crying newborn to sleep. I don't think I've ever sang so much in my life! And all of them are ridiculously simple 2 line-ers made up on the spot - basically whatever comes out of your mouth at the time. Luckily, she is a much better sleeper now, but we still sing some of those songs to her, and Laura has added guitar to some of them as well. (Don't judge me, I know I'm not a singer. LOL.)