Kayleigh has gotten increasingly more vocal over the last few weeks. She is definitely playing with sound & discovering new noises every day, most notably her little baby scream. Right now we think it's very cute & we love hearing it, but if it gets any louder (and I am sure that it will), I don't know if we'll find it so cute anymore. She's also getting more control over her legs & tries to "stand" whenever she can. She dances & bounces in her exersaucer & tries to stand when you're holding her. And if you hold her in a sitting position, she tries to pull herself up on her own, but of course she can't yet. She is definitely getting stronger & stronger!

Yesterday we went to Grandma & Grandda's house for a visit & Kayleigh showed them all her new sounds! She also had a blast in the bouncer that Grandma got for her from her friend Rosa. She had such a good time that she pooped herself out & took a little nap in the moses basket that Grandma has.